Monday, February 20, 2017

III. Global Networks:
 Labor And Migration

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Change is inevitably in every aspect of life, both personal and social. Such change is experienced by people in various ways and in different magnitudes and consequences. The world today is significantly experiencing these changes in the field of environment, culture, politics and economics. 

Understanding Globalization

  •  Globalization is the most powerful force for change in the world today affecting all societies in the planet. It entails the movement of capital, free flow of goods and services, the increased mobility of individuals, and the expansions of multinational corporations and transnational organizations.Globalization has integrated the product and financial markets of economies around the world through the driving forces of trade and capital flows across borders. 

  • One of the goals of globalization is for the world to become more interdependent. People and countries of the world are closely woven together especially in the economic aspect.

  • It aims to standardized income distribution through its economic integration schemes. It show that globalization have a advantages and disadvantages.

"Globalization is the most powerful force change in the world today affecting all societies in the planet"

Globalization and Migration
Image result for globalization and migration

 The issue of globalization is linked with migration and with movement of capital and commodities

Migration is said to be as old as human civilization, and there is clear proof that globalization is inextricably related to it.

"According to estimates, more or less 20% of the labor force in the Philippines want to leave the country in search for a job abroad. Some of them become victims of illegal recruitment and human trafficking" 

National Geographic defines human migration as the movement of people from one territory to another for the purposes of taking up either as permanent or temporary residence. Movement can be considered as voluntary or involuntary, long term or short term.

Why do people Migrate?

People migrate for various reasons, The reasons may fall under four categories: environmental, political, cultural and economic. it categorized as "push" and "pull". 

Push Factors - are those that motivate people to move from one place to another because of difficulty.
Pull Factors - those that motivate people to move from their place to another place because of some desires.

Types of migration:

  • Internal Migration. look for new residence within their own country or state
  • External Migration. moving in a different country or state
  • Migration. leaving from one country to another
  • Immigration. moving into a new country
  • Forced migration. when the states force the people to migrate for a reason.
Migration, Globalization and Climate Change

Natural calamities like earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons and floods have brought varying degrees of devastation around the world. The global consciousness that climate change may represent one of the most significant threats of the near future has stimulated humanity's collective interest in disaster.

Achim Steiner, Director General of the international Union for Conservation of Nature, believes that migration, both forces and voluntary, will be the most significant consequences of climate change and environmental degradation. 

"Migration, forced or otherwise, will undoubtedly be one of the most significant consequences of environmental degradation and climate change in decades to come."

250 million people are permanently displaced by climate change related phenomena, such as floods, droughts, famines and hurricanes. 

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In the past 10 years alone, Asia had been hit by strong earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons that resulted to the loss of thousands of lives and left tens of thousands homeless and in anguish.

" Placelessness disentangles individuals and communities, often with detrimental effects to self identity and well being"

Global ecological and environmental movements have observed that that climate refugees are the people who migrate because of disaster and not by war or any conflict on their country.


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